Revista Comtempo

Revista Eletrônica da Pós-Graduação da Cásper Líbero – ISSN 2176-6231
Volume 7, nº 2 – maio/ago. 2015

Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, has an ancient history. It lies in the middle of Europe at the crossroads of important trade roads: the Gold Road, Salt Road, Amber Road and the Silk Road. The Vltava River (whose name comes from the Celtic “Wild River”) was an obstacle for the trade caravans.  It could only be crossed by horse-drawn carriages at one place without getting the precious cargo wet. At that point, the town of “Praha” (whose name meant “Threshold”) was established, where merchants traded their goods. Over time, Prague became a large multi-cultural center where not only goods were exchanged, but also knowledge. At a time when Prague was the largest European center of medieval culture, Charles University was founded there, by Charles IV, King of Bohemia and Roman Emperor. Charles University was the third university in Europe.
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